Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Farewell, Summer

aka Freedom, aka Sleep.

As of yesterday my dreaded school days have returned. My thoughts on this: I forgot how tiring (read: overwhelming) this all can be. Let us pray that, amidst the many scheduled meetings I am to participate in/attend this week, somewhere from the stars above a large quantity of time will reveal itself thereby allowing me the ability to prepare for the students' arrival next Tuesday. You, instead of harboring secret thoughts about the upcoming school year this summer, I savored my time to live my life and "waste" time on completely relaxing endeavors. In other words, when it comes to my well-laid teaching plans for this year...I got nuttin'.


Alice said...

Back to the old grind...I am sorry :( Hopefully the long meetings, sleepless nights, and drama that comes with the first of the year will be over soon. I am excited for next week when you get to meet all your new classes :)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!!! I dread the return of school, but it really isn't that much different for me. Wookie wakes me up bright and early (8:30.) School begins here on the 2nd of September, good thing we are not in Hawaii, they started 2 weeks ago. YUK!!! See ya soon!

Ashley said...

I'm sad you have to go back so soon! Summer went by way to fast! Just think of all your new school clothes you can wear. Or all the new school clothes you NEED to prchase! :)

Anonymous said...

You can do it!