Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pioneer Day & Update

In my attempt to impress (because really, what else is a blog for but to fish for compliments), I worked diligently for the past two hours to post my fabulous technological savvy in the form of a Photostory movie I created. I made it both at home and in a professional development class I've been in for a couple of days over the past week. But, alas, it won't attach (of course not). The class was "Digital Cameras in the Classroom" and it was, by far, one of the best professional development classes I've taken. I received plenty of great photography/projects tips and fun ideas and I still have the Part II to go to in a couple of weeks.

Beyond that, it was a state holiday last Thursday, so Alice and I headed up to a fun resort town not too far from here and spent the night in my parent's timeshare condo. We walked around on mainstreet, played at the park with my niece and nephew, watched the parade on TV--which, by the way, made me cry twice because I'm becoming one of those weird and overly-sentimental old maids--and played around with our blossoming* photography skills. Enjoy these collages:

*Don't rip on my old-maid-ish-ness (that is its technical term) in using words such as "blossoming."


Wendy said...

Very cute collagi. :) Aren't my kids cuties? ;)

You are SO talented and I am sure your photostory was fabulousa!

Hope you are having a good night.

Jen said...

love the color in the collages

Kimmy said...

Your collages are awesome! The photos are really good, too! They sum up summer. I love that Utah goes on break for Pioneer Day. I wish the rest of the country did, too.

Ashley said...

What awesome pictures! You are getting so good with that new camera of yours. You have a good eye.

Alice said...

Yay for trips to the neighboring town ;)

nicely done on the pictures my friend