Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm reading...

and so far I'm quite in love with Baker's style--the characters, the prose, the tragedies of Aberdeen. And Truly's voice as the narrator: simply splendid.

One of my favorite themes in the book thus far: beautiful or ugly, there is always a price to pay.

I'll have to let you know how it turns out.

I'm also working my way through...

I have to admit, I've read less of this than Aberdeen, but so far, I'm liking the premise. Clayton's prose leans more toward the straightforward unlike the dashing poetics of Baker (sometimes I have to stop and marinate in Baker's sentences again--they're that good), but circles of women make for good contemporary fiction fodder.

As for this one:

It fell victim to my busy-ness and, while Strachan's prose is lovely, the pacing suffers. Essentially, during the school year a book has to mercilessly grab me, making sleep, responsibility, and social life seem unnecessary. Otherwise, it goes back on the shelf, sometimes permanently.

In other words: The Little Giant of Aberdeen County is winning the race.

1 comment:

Rie Pie said...

Ive read about the 1st one. I've wanted to read it and I'm so glad that it's a good one to choose. It's in the queue!!

ps. Hang out session. Please