The 28th. Tuesday. THIS Tuesday. The "its in only two days, really one now, Tuesday."
Yes, on Tuesday the kids come back. This past week I've been in "Professional Development" (a fancy euphemism for "boring meetings educators are required to attend in which, rather than paying attention to the droning meeting, they play games at their table such as: How many 5-letter words can you create using only the letters in 'PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT'? in order to avoid the nagging feeling that one could be accomplishing something...dare I say--worthwhile!?!").
But on Tuesday they come back. I am, I hope, ready for another school year--if not lesson plan prepared, at least mentally prepared to do this all over again.
And so, over the course of the past week, I've ruminated about all those things I love and hate about teaching. The Reality Check Side Note: Let's face it--as much as I told myself in college I was going to college and accumulating all this student loan debt so that I could one day wake up each morning and say that I loved my job, the truth is that just like the pain-in-the-arse-office/lumber-mill-its-to-get-me-through-college-job, I usually wake up dreading going to work. Once I'm there, I'm usually semi-happy about it and prefer it to forementioned job. Nonetheless, I wish I could go back to former self and say "stay in college, it is easier here and your future involves paying back the student loans, honey."
Anyway, so I was thinking about what I love and hate about teaching high school and I've come down to my top 5 in each category. Enjoy!
5. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings...meetings to schedule the next meeting.
4. My permanently aching feet.
3. Waking up painfully early.
2. Disciplining and classroom management because sometimes I really think they lack common sense...just a little.
1A. Grading and everything about it: the paperwork, reading the same topic/paper over and over and over again, the "you've earned an A because it wasn't that hard for you whereas you've earned a C even though you've worked your tushie off and made leaps and bounds in your own progress."
1B. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, there was a tie so technically this is's my blog). When they don't reach their potential because they don't see it in themselves or they just plain don't push themselves to their full potential and I see them fall by the wayside (i.e. dropping out, failing, stop attending, transferring to alternative school, etc.) because, ultimately, it is their decision to succeed or fail. Watching this happen again and again really sucks. Fighting it and having it still happen sucks even more.
5. Summer! It is, after all, one nice perk out of very few. Now that it is over, I realize just how much I do love that it. It is the antithesis to the meeting-filled, waking early, aching feet, grading life I'm used to.
4. I have a department full of guaranteed great book recommendations and a promise of a good conversation about the book once I'm finished. Being the book-geek that I am, this really is something I love about my job--just being surrounded by other book -geeks makes me feel less alone in the world.
3. Teenagers really are too funny--whether their personality be smooth and charming or awkward and nearly offensive--they entertain and I enjoy them for the people that they are.
2. The few ego-stroking days I feel like I am doing something worthwhile and contributing something "good" to society.
1. When they "get it" and I think that maybe, just maybe, I played some small part in them "getting it"--nothing is more fantastic or rewarding than watching a skill form or some new piece of knowledge or idea settle into the mind of a young person. Nothing. Think "this class period my life was like an inspirational teacher movie!" (BTW--Teacher Movies: remind me to blog my love/hate relationship with these one day).
And that brings me to the "What About You?" What do you love about your job? What do you hate? Post your comments--I love to hear all about you!