Tuesday, July 3, 2012

(another) manifesto

I believe in sending cards and notes with handwritten, honest messages. As long as the note is a kind one.

Otherwise, I believe in writing handwritten letters for venting and then "sleeping on it". Chances are you won't want to send it after all.

I believe in doing hard things if it is right. I believe I can do hard things. I believe it is okay that I have to sometimes remind myself of that.

I believe every life has a beautiful story.

I believe in wearing horizontal stripes no matter your size or shape. I believe in stripes, damnit!

I believe in knowing how to spell and punctuate and checking to see whether you do it right or not. I believe the world judges you when you fail to do this.

I believe in all food.

I believe in freckles. Freckles should never be photoshopped.

I believe in toe nails splashed red.

I believe in Costco. I love that darn place.

I believe in smiling for photographs.
I believe in a good phone voice. Works like a charm.

I believe in the investment of a "safe" swimming suit. The kind you can walk around in without fearing something might pop out.

I believe sleep is more powerful than anyone can say.

I believe in education. Not for the increased salary. Not for the practicality. I believe that education makes us better versions of ourselves. Learning is priceless.

I believe in empathy.

I believe in traditions. Like watching this and this each year while wrapping Christmas presents.

I believe in silliness and whimsy and play. At every age.

I believe that there is always room for gratitude, and the tough things do eventually sort themselves out. I believe in reminding myself of this often.

I believe in forgiving myself.

I believe in forgiving others.

I believe that teaching isn't just what I do, it is who I am.

I believe in my students becoming good and beautiful people. I hope I am right.

I believe in loving and celebrating my body. Even when it is so very easy not to.

I believe a good hair day makes a good day.

I believe in comments. (Hint, hint.)

I believe I'm done. For now.


Shannon said...

I believe that you should be famous.
I believe that you are beautiful, inside AND outside.
I believe that your writing helps the world to be a better place.

Wendy said...

I believe in you. :)

Libby said...

Love this. You are such an insightful gal.

I, too, believe in stripes, damnit!

I also believe that you need to blog more. I miss your wit.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for this, friend. You are a lovely person and I'm glad I know you. I believe in friendship...

Lildonbro said...

I agree- Blog more!

I really like this post - I don't have stripes, but I believe that if you love them - you should wear them! (that's for my sister who wore stripes yesterday).

I don't believe in this word verification where the letters are too close to read them right....just saying.

Jen said...

I also believe in Costco and that you need to blog more.

I believe in pesticide this year, which is a conversion for me. I have turned to the dark side.

I believe I will be sad when school starts because I believe you will post less, but I believe hope will carry me through to vacation times and next summer just fine. :)