Monday, March 5, 2012

just for me

In my life, so often, there are stretches of time that pass in a blur. I spend each moment focused only on "getting it done" in order to move on to the next task before me. It leaves me unfulfilled and, quite frankly, miserable. I dread what is, in all reality, the things that make up my life. And it is no way to live.

Today, the past several days, really, have been "one of those days". I've felt unsettled and downright depressed. A colorless grey seems to fill me up inside. It has been something more than a simple case of the winter blues, I've felt myself trudging--merely surviving each day with some small hope that it would pass.

Today, however, something nudged me to watch some
Mormon Messages on youtube instead of grading as I ate my lunch. Oh, how glad I am to have come across this:

Life is worth enjoying. Life is good. Life is made of moments. It is so important for me to remember that. I felt like, today, this message was just for me. I hope you watch it and feel that way too.


Shannon said...

loved that. thanks for sharing.

Libby said...

I hear you on the down and out feelings as of late. Blerg!

We'll get through gal, because we have to.